In the eye of the law a person is a minor until he is eighteen years of age. 就法律来说,人到十八岁才算成年。
The Conservation of Traditional Space in the Eye of Space Meaning: A Case Study of Tongli Town; In China, the rights of prisoners while serving their sentences are protected by law. 从空间意义的角度论传统空间环境保护&以历史名镇同里为例在中国,罪犯服刑期间的应有权利,依法受到保护。
The present railway collision is an inevitable accident in the eye of law. 此次火车相撞事件,就法律观点来看是一场无法避免的灾祸。
No matter what his social position ( might) be, a man is equal in the eye of the law. 一个人不论其社会地位如何,在法律面前都是平等的。
It is a great crime, in the eye of the law, to bear false witness. subornation of perjury 根据法律,作伪证是一大罪状。贿赂[教唆]伪证罪
Eighteen this is the day we become legal adults in the eye of the law. 18岁这一天是法定年龄,在法律上我们是成年人了。
There are no formal requirements for the formation of a partnership and businessmen may be "partners" in the eye of the law without knowing it. 这种合伙关系的形成并没有正式要求,那些商人也许并不知道他们在法律上已经是“合伙人”了。
The criminal had a fake identity card. It is a great crime, in the eye of the law, to bear false witness. 那个犯罪分子有一张伪造的身份证。根据法律,作伪证是一大罪状。
The article attempts to demonstrate that the system in which loaners have priority to gain compensation is more reasonable and practicable than the Rule of warehousing from the eye of the right of civil, economical action, law-economics, comparative law. 本文试图从民事权利、诉讼经济、法律经济学、比较法的角度等论证了赋予代位权人优先受偿权的制度设计比入库规则更具有合理性和可行性。
The Phenomenon of "Circulation Fee" in the Eye of Competition Law 竞争法视野中的通道费现象
The order of market regulation law is not only economical but also ethical and legal, so we should analyze value connotation of market regulation law in the eye of economic, ethic and law. 市场规制法的秩序不仅是一种经济秩序,而且是一种道德伦理秩序,还是一种法律秩序,因而应从经济、伦理和法律的角度来对市场规制法的秩序价值内涵进行解读。